Critiquing Photo Challenge
Multimodal Presentation
After critiquing Don Mcmullin's photography work, I have gained a greater idea of what it is like to look deeper into an image than based off of initial thoughts and first appeances. In his images that were displayed in this video, there was a deeper message behind all of them and a raw emotion felt through the people that were being photographed and it displayed a tone for the viewers. His work also brought light to the public where there were issues with poverty and devastation through the effects of war. Capturing an image and being a photographer can have a much bigger impact than just looking visually appealing to the common eye. A camera can be one of the most resourceful tools back in the day up until now. An image can bring light on common issues that the common person would not be aware of to affect change, which is exactly what I learned from this assignment and is exactly what Don Mcmullin did.